Monday, July 2, 2012

Missional Monday - Prayer

I am indebted to my friend Mike Hampton for sharing the following verse and linking it to how we see our role in Missions and Evangelism:

When He comes, He will convict the world about sin, righteousness, and judgment:
John 16:8 HCSB
As Jesus shares about the coming Holy Spirit, He offers the above statement with regards to one of the Holy Spirit's roles, that of convicting the world.  When we think about this fact with regards to evangelism I find it to be very liberating and helpful for avoiding two possible key errors.  When one recognizes that it is the Holy Spirit's role to convict, then it removes the pressure that one may feel with regards to sharing the faith.  There is no need for performance anxiety as it were, worried about how we might do, about saying the right thing, about convincing people about Jesus.  Simply put, it is not our role it is God's.  We are simply called to give a faithful witness to the Gospel, to speak truth in love and to give testimony.  
Secondly, we may also avoid the trap of pride.   No matter what role we play, should we see fruit and even welcome people into the kingdom it is not because of what we have done, as if we should be the ones to be congratulated.  Though we are invited to play a role, it is the work of the Holy Spirit that truly brings conviction of sin, righteousness and judgement.

If this be the case, that it is the Spirit's role to convict, then when we think about our role in God's mission to the world it should bring us to a greater awareness of the need for prayer.  We are not "going on mission" or "doing missions" as if we make the decision and go it alone.  We are rather invited by God to be used in His work in the world.  If we should long to be used effectively we must be in prayer asking God to guide us by His Spirit to the people and places where He is already at work and then respond in obedience to the opportunities we may have to offer a faithful witness.   


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