Its the time of year again when the ponds have finally frozen over. All around the neighbourhood there are kids with a shovel in one hand, a stick in the other and skates around their neck. They are off to clear some snow from the pond, create a rink and begin a great game of pond hockey. I love to see the spontaneous pick up games that start out in the cold Canadian winter. It doesn’t just have to be pond hockey, there is something about the idea of informal pick up games that I love, whether it be football, football (soccer), baseball (maybe that is why the Sandlot remains one of my favourite movies of all time) basketball or street hockey. They happen just for the love of the game. I think that we have lost a bit of that spirit in this day and age of formal organized sports. We seem to need the best and newest equipment, that best facilities, officials, organized teams and the pressure of making the big time even for the ten year olds! There is much to be commended about organized sports, but I also love the spontaneous pick up games that bring neighbours together for fun, exercise and community. I wonder if we might bring some of the spirit of pick up sports to our spiritual life? do we find ourselves needing a choir gown before we can sing our praises? Or a full band before we can worship because it just won’t be the same without it? Do we need a preacher before we expect to hear from the Word? Or the latest and greatest study guide before we open the scriptures? Do we need a program before we expect to be able to serve? Have we lost a bit of the spontaneity, excitement and freshness to our spiritual walk? I have found myself thinking particularly about evangelism these past few days. We may be tempted to think about evangelism in far too formal a way at the risk of loosing its importance and effectiveness. We do not need to wait for the next mission trip, nor become career missionaries to “evangelize.” In fact, it was Jesus who said “...as you are going” make disciples. (Matt 28:19) Wherever we go, around the world or just next door, we can be seeking opportunities to share our faith. We also do not need to be religious experts or to have graduated seminary to engage in sharing our faith. Nor do not need to wait for the next great program to share effectively with those around us. God has given each of us relationships and a story, and that is all we really need to begin. What if we were to celebrate with (or return to) the excitement we feel about all that God has done for us, and is doing in our midst, and share that excitement as spontaneously as we would any other exciting thing in our lives. What an impact! We don’t have to wait for the next formal opportunity. Be natural, spontaneous and have fun as you celebrate and share all that God has done for you through Jesus!
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