Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Question About Spiritual Gifts

Ask anyone who knows me and, depending on their definition of Spiritual Gift, you are likely to hear something about music and worship or preaching and teaching. If I were to take a spiritual gift inventory it would likely say the same. The thing is, if I had ever done an inventory before I was a Christian and before being indwelt by the Spirit that inventory would likely have come out the same. Even before becoming a Christian I could do music well, was a good performer, was comfortable before large groups was a decent public speaker and was a teacher. So what does that say about my Spiritual Gifting? I wonder how often we confuse Spiritual Gifting with natural ability. But should not our Spiritual Gifting be different? Could it be that we should see God working in us to do something we would not naturally expect to find success with? When the Apostles spoke in tongues, speaking in a language they had never learned or spoken previously, that must have seemed rather drastic and immediate-no doubt about it, a gift of the Spirit.

Only time will tell I suppose, but I wonder if what I am doing right now is evidence of Spiritual gifting, as it is really out if my comfort zone, my natural defaults and at times seems crazy. We are trying to start fellowships with a very real sense of community, reaching out primarily through relationships. Although I can stand in front of a large group and perform, I am very introverted and shy. And yet, I am passionate about what we are doing, and we think we are starting to see some amazing fruit.
Not only are we starting our fellowship, but God has been stirring in us a vision to catalyze a whole network throughout the city and the region. This is going to require a lot that is out of my comfort zone again-networking, finding leaders, developing leaders, developing partnership and developing systems. This is a lot to think about for a drummer. And again it will require a lot of relational energy, not my natural default.

But as I look at this, as I look at the developing vision I wonder if perhaps what I am seeing is a vision to be what is described in scripture as an "apostle." If this be the case, then perhaps I am not just crazy and insane as we move toward this vision. Although on paper I might say that I am not the man for the job, maybe the reality is that God is equipping me through His Spirit for a task that He has laid on my heart. It may use my natural gifting, but needs His Spiritual Gifting even more.

1 comment:

  1. nice information keep it up best of luk! nice working i love your work stay happy:)
    Pakistan Urdu Newspaper
