What We Envision...
A network of interdependent home churches playing from the same lead sheet...

The Lyrics:
John 13:35 - ... “As I have love you so you should love one another. By this all men will know you are my disciples...”
The Melody:
a) Who Is Jesus, What Has He done for us - Study a Gospel using COIN.
c) What does He want to do through us - Five Marks of a Disciple
The Harmony:
A home church setting in which families share meals, their lives, study, prayer etc in a highly relational way.
The Rhythm:
We will be a missional community that seeks to be a foretaste of the Kingdom living and proclaiming the kingdom.
The logo and name are just temporary working titles that we will put more thought into as things progress, but we would love to hear thoughts and comments about the things that we have been sharing as we continue to think through and refine our ideas about our new work in Hamilton.
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