Monday, December 27, 2010

The Sound of Music

Last night my wife decided she wanted to watch The Sound of Music.  She had rented it a few days ago from the library with the hopes of watching it for the first time with our kids.  I assumed that she really meant the girls because, in my mind it was a really girly flick.  Am I wrong to think that, does it not have a kind of girly reputation?  There are definitely some girly moments, the romance, the dancing, the kissing etc.  But regardless, there was nothing else on and so I thought "why not, let's watch it as a family."  Well, I was pleasantly surprised.  It has been a long time since I have scene it and, over and above the few girly things about it, I can definitely see why it was so popular and has endured for so long as a classic.  There are a number of striking features about the film that would rate it such a quality artistic endeavour.  Here are a number of things that caught my attention last night:
1)  Christopher Plummer's suits were amazing - totally cool threads.
2)  Christopher Plummer's hair rocked - serious do.
3)  Julie Andrews - that girl could sing - serious pipes.
4)  The songs - some are famous, some were schmaltzy, some were cute but when you take a close listen some of it was really quite incredible.  If you ever doubt the musicality or depth of some of the music because it was sung by children and laughing nuns, just have a listen to John Coltrane play " My Favourite Things" some time:

5)  The soundtrack was incredible - the score that accompanied all the action was amazing.  I was fascinated to hear how all the themes of the famous musical numbers was so intricately woven underneath the action really undergirding and propelling the drama along.
6)  It has an intermission - I spent it waltzing with my five year old - fun!

Just a few reasons that it was worth spending the three hours!


  1. jay...i just tried to leave this comment on your blog but I had here it is copy/pasted for you:-)

    You are so funny Jason. When the older 3 boys were really young, my mom and I flew to Germany and Austria together while Jeremy held the Milton fort together. We did the classic "Sound of Music tour," and it WAS really was amazing. They played the sound track on the tour bus, as they took us to the various sites of filming...all the while explaining the history of the characters and actors. BEAUTIFUL SCENERY!
    One of the funny things that sticks out to me was them telling us how the smallest little girl actor gained like 15 pounds during the filming because she got addicted to European pastries. You can actually see the chub accumulating in certain scenes if you looks closely:-)


  2. You reminded me of another thing that I meant to add to my list:
    7) The scenery - the shots of the mountains and hills really were quite amazing. It almost makes me want to visit them myself!
