As my vacation quickly approaches we have been stealing a few moments each day to check on equipment. We will be heading north to do some camping and so the flashlights are essential. We are seeking out the "safe" place that we stored them after last year, checking the batteries, and making sure the bulbs work. It got me thinking about just how prevalent light bulbs are in our culture and how much we relay on them. I didn't realize that the light bulb was actually a Canadian invention, invented by Henry Woodward and Matthew Evans, who patented a glass bulb with a carbon filament and nitrogen gas, in 1874. A lack of funds to produce a sell the bulbs led them to sell the patent to Thomas Edison in 1875. Well, bulbs have changed a lot since then with new ideas and technology, but they continue to be an integral part of our culture. I cannot imagine what a long Canadian winter, with its long dark nights and short days, would be like without light bulbs. Nor can I imagine what camping would be like without flashlights. Light bulbs are a huge part of

At this point I cannot help but think of how prevalent light imagery is in scripture as well. It is there in Exodus when God is a pillar of fire by which he led His people out of Egypt. It is used for God's word which is a "lamp to my feet and a light for my path" to lead us and guide us (Psalm 119:105). It is used of Christ who would be the "light of the world: (John 8:12). It is also used in reference to followers of Jesus who are the "light of the world" and are to let our light shine before men that they may see our good deeds and praise our Father in Heaven" (Matthew 5:14,16). And along with that, the believer's message, the gospel, which is not to be hidden under a bowl but placed on a stand for all to see (Luke 11:33). These are just a few of the ways that light imagery is used, and already there is a lot to ponder!
As I get ready to head out into the Ontario wilderness, I hope to be reminded of some of these thoughts when I turn on my flashlight and again each time I turn on a light at home.
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