Crayola Crayons made their debut in 1903, were sold in a pack of eight, included the colours black, brown, blue, red, purple, orange, yellow and green and were sold for a nickel! Times have changed a bit and today there are over 100 different types of Crayola Crayons costing a little bit more than a nickel. It got me thinking about all that we have, and all that we have access to. It got me thinking about thanksgiving and contentment.
I have some friends that just recently came back from a mission trip to Kenya where they served in a church that was in a slum area. They were helping the church put on a Vacation Bible School program for the community. One thing that really struck them was the colouring portion of the day. All the kids would spend up to an hour each day colouring with colouring sheets and crayons. The most remarkable thing was that each child received just one crayon. There were opportunities throughout the hour to exchange the crayon for another colour, but each child only had one crayon at a time and patiently used the crayon to its fullest. Even more than just patiently, however, the children used the one crayon with excitement and enthusiasm. Would I have been so appreciative about the opportunity to use a single crayon? I often find myself thinking about all that I need (which stated more accurately would read all that I want) that I miss the opportunity to be thankful for what I have. Why is it that so often the more that we have the more we want? That which we have should lead us to offer prayers of thanksgiving to God who provides for our every need, but ironically it can give us a sense of security or a hunger for more that distracts us from Him instead.
I am praying that I too might return to the sense of wonder, awe and thanksgiving that a single crayon can provide.
I have some friends that just recently came back from a mission trip to Kenya where they served in a church that was in a slum area. They were helping the church put on a Vacation Bible School program for the community. One thing that really struck them was the colouring portion of the day. All the kids would spend up to an hour each day colouring with colouring sheets and crayons. The most remarkable thing was that each child received just one crayon. There were opportunities throughout the hour to exchange the crayon for another colour, but each child only had one crayon at a time and patiently used the crayon to its fullest. Even more than just patiently, however, the children used the one crayon with excitement and enthusiasm. Would I have been so appreciative about the opportunity to use a single crayon? I often find myself thinking about all that I need (which stated more accurately would read all that I want) that I miss the opportunity to be thankful for what I have. Why is it that so often the more that we have the more we want? That which we have should lead us to offer prayers of thanksgiving to God who provides for our every need, but ironically it can give us a sense of security or a hunger for more that distracts us from Him instead.
I am praying that I too might return to the sense of wonder, awe and thanksgiving that a single crayon can provide.
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