We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God.
- 2 Corinthians 5:20 NIV
- 2 Corinthians 5:20 NIV

Silly Putty was invented in 1943 as Japan was invading rubber producing countries leading American industry to set out to find a synthetic rubber replacement. Although the putty was sent to engineers worldwide, no-one could find a practical purpose for it. It took until 1949 for a toy store owner to see it from a completely different point of view and thus see a unique purpose for the bouncing putty. She included it in her catalogue and it was an instant hit. In 2000 Silly Putty made its way into the Smithsonian Institute. Not bad for a product that no one could find a purpose for! It got me thinking about how we see ourselves and our purpose. Everybody wants to feel that their life has purpose. All so often we define ourselves by what we do for a living, who we know, what we look like, what we wear etc. These things can be so fleeting. A true, lasting identity is found by virtue of our lasting relationship with the eternal High King of Heaven. When we dare to define ourselves by this different standard we can also find a powerful sense of purpose for our life here and now. Jesus chooses to leave us in this world as His representatives to those around us. No matter where we are or what we a doing, we are Christ’s ambassadors, sharing His love and His message of hope to the world. What a purpose there is to be found, when we recognize our true identity in Christ.
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