But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.
- Psalm 1:2 NIV
- Psalm 1:2 NIV
One thing about Silly Putty that stands out in my mind is when I used to flatten it out and press it up against a page in a comic book. The image of whatever you pressed it up against would transfer onto the Silly Putty. I thought this was so cool. It got me thinking about the time that I spend reading scripture. I hope that as I read, I am learning more about who God is, about God’s heart and about what it means to live like Jesus. My hope is that the more time I spend reading about, and hearing from God through is Word, that my life may begin to reflect what I am reading. In the case of the Silly Putty it was just ink transfer from the comic or newsprint and it would disappear and wipe away as easily as it appeared. As I read through scripture, spend time in prayer and worship I pray for a deeper transformation that begins on the inside and results in a life that more and more reflects the life and heart of Jesus.
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