All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
- 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NIV
- 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NIV

Did you know that Silly Putty is a “solid liquid”? That it stretches without breaking, yet it can be "snapped off" cleanly, floats in certain shapes, yet sinks in others? If you slam it with a hammer, it keeps it shape, yet push with light, even pressure and it flattens with ease. It is seemingly full of contradictions! With a thorough understanding of chemistry and physics, however, there are explanations as to how these contradictions can be true.
Studying the bible is a bit the same. Often people claim that scripture is full of contradictions and can’t be trusted. I have found, however, the more I study the more explanations I find. I have also found that studying about an eternal God, who created the universe, and stands outside of time and space is humbling. My limited, finite perspective may have something to do with my perception. I don’t know enough physics to properly explain why light is both wave and particle. I don’t know enough chemistry to properly explain why Silly Putty is both liquid and solid. This doesn’t change that fact that all these statements are true. I may not be able to properly explain how the bible can both speak of human free will and God’s sovereignty, but again it does not make the statements any less true. Let me simply encourage you to investigate scripture for yourself, and see what you can learn!
Studying the bible is a bit the same. Often people claim that scripture is full of contradictions and can’t be trusted. I have found, however, the more I study the more explanations I find. I have also found that studying about an eternal God, who created the universe, and stands outside of time and space is humbling. My limited, finite perspective may have something to do with my perception. I don’t know enough physics to properly explain why light is both wave and particle. I don’t know enough chemistry to properly explain why Silly Putty is both liquid and solid. This doesn’t change that fact that all these statements are true. I may not be able to properly explain how the bible can both speak of human free will and God’s sovereignty, but again it does not make the statements any less true. Let me simply encourage you to investigate scripture for yourself, and see what you can learn!
Wow! perfect analogy!!!! I love your blog!!!! Keep writing. It has made my day and it encouraged me.