Monday, June 25, 2012

Missional Monday - using the disciple's story of discovery

We have been experimenting for the last while with the premise that the Gospels are not only a very powerful tool for discipleship, but that they may be the best evangelism tool we have as well.  In an attempt to engage people with who Jesus is and what He has done, we have been offering a challenge and invitation to read a Gospel, to read just exactly what Jesus said about himself with the point of being able to make an educated decision for oneself.   Our thought was that this would give people a fuller understanding about what they are making a decision for or against but that also it might appeal to a more post modern mindset as one is learning for themselves.  We offer to walk with people through such a process if they are open and willing.

I have noted that I have been reading Read the Bible for Life and really enjoying it.  There was a chapter on reading the New Testament stories (the Gospels and Acts) and I was really excited to read what Darrell Bock had to say about reading the disciple's story of discovery especially as we think of reading with those who have yet to believe. 

That's part of the story, to tell the disciple's story of discovery.  This is important for us as we read the Gospels, but it is also a key for how we read the Gospels with people who have yet to believe the gospel message.  What we've got to do is learn to read the Gospels on the Gospels' terms...We need to recover the ability to read with fresh eyes and lead others trough the conversation the Gospels are initiating, as opposed to just flipping to the end of the story.  We have to walk with people through a process.  We have to understand that when we say that Jesus is unique, that Jesus is the only way to God, we are going against the grain of our culture which says "there are many ways to God."  So how do we help people get there?  I think we should let the Gospels tell the story, uncovering the identity of Jesus a step at a time.  That's what the Synoptic Gospels attempt to do, and they do it, in part, through the way the disciples are coming to realize who Jesus is as the hang out with Him. 
(pg. 154-155)

Although this has been some confirmation for what we have been doing, it has also added another dimension of understanding and focus.  I have really been appreciating this idea of learning from the disciple's journey of discovery,  I have really been appreciating.  

One more Monday, one more thought about how we might be engaging in the Mission that God has for His church.  I would love to hear your thoughts or insights.

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