Monday, September 19, 2011

Powerful Quote

I came across this following quote while reading the biography of William Carey by S Pearce Carey:

To disturb and to destroy the religious beliefs, rites, and ceremonies of any people is to make an attack on the sanctuary of the soul, which can only be excused if he who delivers it has the certainty that what he offers is indeed the pearl of great price, to obtain which the surrender of the most sacred possessions cannot be regarded as too high a sacrifice.
- A.E. Garvie

I think what struck me most was the deep sense of respect and the recognition of just how serious a thing it is that we undertake when we endeavor to engage in our missional calling.  But if it is truly the "pearl of great price," with nothing added or taken away, then oh how important it is that we do, albeit with a deep sense of humility and love. 

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