Yesterday we spent the day with some great people from the Children's Miracle Network. They raise money for children's hospitals across the country. We were invited, with our son, to attend an event with 6 other amazing children who have been helped by these hospitals. Remax is one big supporter of the Children's Miracle Network, and these seven children were invited to participate the annual ReMax Kick Start convention. The ReMax team invited them to be a part of a parade of heroes in which they were led through the convention by two time Olympic gold medalist Sammy Joe Small (goalie for women's hockey), they were taken on stage to receive a gold medal and then were paraded to the exhibition hall were they had a booth and could sign autographs in a pre-printed glossy booklet that told each of their amazing stories. This part of the event was to try to bring a human element - a story, a face, and a name - to the charity that many of the real estate agents support. As you read the stories of the kids, even we the parents who have walked with our child through one of the stories, cannot help but be amazed and in awe of what others have faced.
There was one agent who came by to have his book signed by each of the children who most caught my attention. He took time with each of the kids, kneeling down to speak wit

After reflecting on all this agent had to share, it was the idea of teaching his children that had me thinking. It reminded me of the scripture which says "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. (Proverbs 22:6)" Our aim should be to help our children see the world through a biblical world view and through the lens of faith. More than just going to Sunday school, learning bible stories or even how to read the bible we can aim to teach them to apply what they learn as they look at the world around them. It means taking a close hard look at the realities around them. When there is beauty, to recognize beauty, when there is brokenness to see the brokenness and in everything to respond in the way that our loving, compassionate, God would have

I honestly don't know if the agent about whom I have been sharing is a man of faith. I don't know what he will discuss with his children, but it has got me thinking. I am thinking about what I can share with mine children, about how Jesus would have us respond to such things and how to help them see it and respond. In a week where I have had the opportunity to read incredible stories of struggle from the kids we met, and to also see such devastation from Haiti it has been a great reminder to me.
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