I just finished reading a great book entitled The Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Doidge, M.D. It is a fascinating look at ongoing discoveries about brain plasticity, or how the structure and function of our brains can be changed by our thoughts. The person who gave it to me wrote in the cover that he "found this to be a really interesting, informative, and strangely entertaining book about the noggin" with which I wholeheartedly agree. The topic is fascinating and the writer does a masterful job of weaving both informed scientific analysis and fact with warm anecdotes of leading scientists and the patience whose lives have been transformed. So where does the devotional aspect come in? I found myself thinking about two different things.
Firstly, there is the obvious response if you believe in God as the creator, who, with love and intention created all things. One cannot help but respond with wonder at how truly amazing God is to have created such an astonishingly complex and fascinating thing as the human brain.
Secondly, I found myself fascinated by a chapter entitled Acquiring Tastes and Loves - what neuroplasticity teaches us about sexual attraction and love. In this chapter there is an incredible discussion about - of all things - pornography. It was enlightening to read, from a scientific point of view, how pornography actually changes the brain and why it can be so destructive. Keep in mind this is not a "Christian" book and so I was quite taken aback to see this section. Here is a sample of what it says:
"Pornography seems, at first glance, to be a purely instinctual matter: sexually explicit pictures trigger instinctual responses, which are the product of millions of years of evolution. But if that were true, pornography would be unchanging. The same triggers, body parts and their proportions, that appealed to our ancestors would excite us. That is what pornographers would have us believe, for they claim they are battling sexual repression, taboo, and fear and that their goal is to liberate the natural, pent-up sexual instincts."
The chapter goes on to describe how pornographic content has had to change and become even more graphic and violent in order deal with the tolerances that develop in the audience. It discusses how pornography can lead to a very real addiction and the very real changes to the brain that can occur. Pornography can literally change our brains!
It was as I was reading this that I was again reminded that what we read in scripture is true and trustworthy. God does have our best in mind and thus gives us instruction accordingly. We can look at the words of Jesus where we see sexual immorality included in a list of evil things (Matthew 15:19). Interestingly the Greek word translated as "sexual immorality" is the root word from where we get our English "pornography." We can look back from Jesus into the Old Testament and look forward into the rest of the New Testament and see a consistent warning against such things. It is amazing to think that all these years latter, despite what numerous people have been saying for years, the bible continues to be proven correct. My first response to this chapter was "see, the bible is right" (read with an "I told you so" judgmental voice for which I repented.) That was followed by the more reflective and far more profound "wow, it really is true." I was astounded again, thankful and amazed. God is good, His word is good and we can count on it for trustworthy guidance and insights.
So that was a part of my experience reading "The Brain that Changes Itself". If you see it consider picking it up. It is a fascinating book that was interestingly, although unintentionally, spiritual for me.
It was as I was reading this that I was again reminded that what we read in scripture is true and trustworthy. God does have our best in mind and thus gives us instruction accordingly. We can look at the words of Jesus where we see sexual immorality included in a list of evil things (Matthew 15:19). Interestingly the Greek word translated as "sexual immorality" is the root word from where we get our English "pornography." We can look back from Jesus into the Old Testament and look forward into the rest of the New Testament and see a consistent warning against such things. It is amazing to think that all these years latter, despite what numerous people have been saying for years, the bible continues to be proven correct. My first response to this chapter was "see, the bible is right" (read with an "I told you so" judgmental voice for which I repented.) That was followed by the more reflective and far more profound "wow, it really is true." I was astounded again, thankful and amazed. God is good, His word is good and we can count on it for trustworthy guidance and insights.
So that was a part of my experience reading "The Brain that Changes Itself". If you see it consider picking it up. It is a fascinating book that was interestingly, although unintentionally, spiritual for me.
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