While Ketchup and Fries may not be specifically Canadian, Ketchup Chips certainly are. You can’t get Ketchup flavoured potato chips in the U.S.A for example. They are uniquely Canadian and I actually really like them. As a Kid they were a definite favourite. I think that they are supposed to taste like ketchup and fries and although I like them, I would have to say that they don’t really taste like the real thing. But then again flavoured potato chips never really do, and no one really expects them to taste exactly like the real thing. There is no way that by sprinkling a chip with an artificial powder of spices one could ever achieve the depth of taste and texture of any real food. Spirituality can be a very similar thing. There are many man made approaches to spirituality and religion, that at first taste may seem interesting and even flavourful, but pale in comparison to a true biblical spirituality. True biblical spirituality is a relationship with Jesus Christ. More than rules and regulations, morality, ethics or religion it is about a relationship with the person of Jesus. The other things, as valid as they may be, should be an organic outgrowth from that primary relationship that is the heart of any true vibrant spirituality. I have been thinking about Matthew 11:28-30 lately. This passage does a great job of highlighting this fact. It begins with an invitation by Jesus to “Come to me all who are weary and burdened..” Speaking to a people who knew the weight of a religion of works, rules and regulations, He offers the invitation to come unto himself, to come into relationship. “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart.” He then invites them to come along side of Him and learn from Him. It is through a relationship with Jesus that we may learn about Him, we may learn His heart and then seek to live in imitation of Him. He does not, however, set a bunch or rules to be followed and then sit back and watch to see how we do. He offers an invitation, first to relationship, then to mentorship as we are yoked beside Him and learn from Him. We may come to Jesus to learn who He is, what He has done for us and what He longs to do through us. True spirituality is based on a relationship with Jesus and is evidenced by the organic outgrowth of that relationship. Anything else is just like MSG, it may make a potato chip look great and even taste alright, but it is no where close to the real thing and just might make you sick along the way.
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