While Ketchup and Fries is not a specifically “Canadian” thing, if the Canadian Icon Stompin’ Tom Conners sings about it, there must be something Canadian about it. In the words of Stompin’ Tom:
Baked sized french fries-how they love Tomatoes So dress em up with Heinz Ketchup Ketchup loves Potatoes Ketchup loves Potatoes
There are some things that are just meant to go together, who’s total is greater than the sum of its parts, things which are only truly experienced in their fullest when together. When it comes to the spiritual life, the commands to love God and love our neighbour are like this. They are distinct commands, and yet Jesus is quite intentional to put them together: 37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
Matthew 22:37-40
These commands are central to the Christian walk, they go together hand in hand and you cannot have one without the other and claim to be living an obedient Christian life. I really like the way that this is laid out in the gospel of Luke. In chapter 10, starting in verse 25, an expert in the law attempts to test Jesus and as it unfolds they are brought to the commands to love God and love ones neighbour. It leads directly to the parable of the Good Samaritan, which in many ways is a commentary on the command to love ones neighbour. The very next story that Luke recounts comes almost as a reminder, as if to say, “now that we understand a bit more about loving our neighbour, let’s not forget the Love the Lord your God part.” The story at the home of Mary and Martha is a story about recognizing the priority of spending time with and learning the teachings of Jesus above even our serving others. I believe that both of the commands are extremely important and that the order is significant as well. If we are to truly love our neighbour as God expects, then we first need to honour, love, listen to and learn from Him. But if we leave it there, and don’t get to the loving our neighbour part, then we have not heard clearly from Him or are not following obediently. For both are clear expectations, both are commands and both go closely together. Let me encourage each of us to consider both, to learn what God may have to say about each (perhaps start with Luke 10 and look more closely at what is said about each of those commands) and then endeavour to give our all to living out these commands.
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