Whenever the LORD raised up a judge for them, he was with the judge and saved them out of the hands of their enemies as long as the judge lived… But when the judge died, the people returned to ways even more corrupt than those of their fathers…
Judges 2:18-19
Judges 2:18-19
I just finished the book of Judges, and I must say that I think a Yo-Yo makes a great analogy here. In every chapter or two the nation of Israel turns from God and plummets until God raises up a judge or leader to save them. But soon after that leader dies they turn from God and plunge again into suffering and devastation; it is a pattern that just keeps repeating.
I must admit, however, that if I take a close look at my walk with God, at times there has been a similar pattern. Add human weakness, fatigue and especially emotions in the mix and the pattern, although less dramatic, is sometimes there. Although the up and down of the yo-yo is not a trend that we want to emulate when it comes to our faith walk, there is another aspect of “yo-yoing” (is that a word?) that I would like to aim for.
Have you ever seen a yo-yo “sleep”? I don’t know why they call it sleeping because it is dependent upon the yo-yo continuing to spin. It is just that the yo-yo’s axle spins so smoothly within the loop of the string that it doesn’t come back up again until it is jerked. This consistent motion is what I would like to aim for. A few keys that I am learning as I aim for consistency are contentment and worship. If we, as the apostle Paul learned, can learn “the secret of being content in every and any situation” (Philippians 4:12), we will be less prone to wander, to always seek the elusive greener grass, and grumble. Similarly, I am less likely to grumble when I am worshipping, celebrating all that God has done and continues to do. We are called to offer our bodies as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1) as a response of worship. If I aim to make all that I am and all that I do an act of worship it will be harder to drift from what God wants from my life, and I will be more consistent in my walk.
Interestingly, when it comes to the yo-yo, a lot of other fancy moves and tricks all begin with getting the yo-yo to sleep. As I long to be more and more useful to God in this life, maybe consistency will help in that endeavour.
I must admit, however, that if I take a close look at my walk with God, at times there has been a similar pattern. Add human weakness, fatigue and especially emotions in the mix and the pattern, although less dramatic, is sometimes there. Although the up and down of the yo-yo is not a trend that we want to emulate when it comes to our faith walk, there is another aspect of “yo-yoing” (is that a word?) that I would like to aim for.
Have you ever seen a yo-yo “sleep”? I don’t know why they call it sleeping because it is dependent upon the yo-yo continuing to spin. It is just that the yo-yo’s axle spins so smoothly within the loop of the string that it doesn’t come back up again until it is jerked. This consistent motion is what I would like to aim for. A few keys that I am learning as I aim for consistency are contentment and worship. If we, as the apostle Paul learned, can learn “the secret of being content in every and any situation” (Philippians 4:12), we will be less prone to wander, to always seek the elusive greener grass, and grumble. Similarly, I am less likely to grumble when I am worshipping, celebrating all that God has done and continues to do. We are called to offer our bodies as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1) as a response of worship. If I aim to make all that I am and all that I do an act of worship it will be harder to drift from what God wants from my life, and I will be more consistent in my walk.
Interestingly, when it comes to the yo-yo, a lot of other fancy moves and tricks all begin with getting the yo-yo to sleep. As I long to be more and more useful to God in this life, maybe consistency will help in that endeavour.
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