Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Update Tuesday - The Art of Church Planting

One of the most daunting things about creating a new artistic expression is the blank white page upon which to write, the blank white canvas upon which to paint or the block of wood or stone to carve.  The possibilities are endless but they are also intimidating and sometimes paralyzing.  We often, therefore, start with an idea, or image and even create an outline, model or template from which to begin.  In other fields we might fashion detailed and specific blueprints from which to create an exacting and precise structure.  In artistic endeavors, however, often (although not always) the exercise is a little less defined.   Though we begin with an idea, image or model, there is a lot of room for the process itself to influence the direction of our final work.  The medium in which we have chosen to work,  the style in which we will work and the materials themselves all have a huge role in determining how our work of art may turn out.  Carvers, for example, are always in a dynamic relationship, responding to the particular whims and natural forms within the stone or wood  as they bring their vision to life.  Art is a dynamic, evolutionary process and beauty seems to emerge from the reaction between the image or vision and the process. 

Sometimes I think Church Planting can be similar.  Yes, one could take an existing model or blueprint and recreate it with exacting precision.  Maybe because I have an artistic bent, I see it a bit differently.   I had an image in my mind, and a very clear but general framework.  What we have begun is a process of bringing the image to life in which some of the specifics are now beginning to emerge.  It has seemed at times like carving, where slowly but surely specific shapes and images have begun to appear from the block of stone.   Or perhaps like a painting for which we began by prepping a canvas,  painting an undercoat and blocking in the basic forms.  At each step we learn something new, sometimes learn some new skills or techniques, we respond to the raw materials God has provided including people - and let's face it, we are all unique, flawed and idiosyncratic.  And of course there are mistakes from which we learn and try to see new opportunities arise.  Slowly, however, each step brings us clearer and more refined images as we come closer to the beautiful work of art we are creating.

As we continue to work on bringing this beautiful work of art that God has laid on our hearts to life, we so appreciate your prayers and financial contributions.  In particular I am sensing that this next year will see some more specific, detailed images emerge.  Join us in praying specifically that our means to grow disciples would become even clearer.  I am excited to continue to refine our notion of "interdependence" and to see some clarity in our idea.  We also continue to see beautiful things appear around our sense of community.  I am also optimistic about some focused insight into how we might continue to best be on mission here in our communities.  Thanks again for your continued love, support and prayers. 

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