Thursday, October 28, 2010

Best Response So Far

Well, since the big announcement we have been getting lots of e-mails and facebook messages of encouragement. We really appreciate all the kind words and support. There was one that I thought was worthy of sharing and so I have copied it below. It comes from Cam Fraser with whom we have had the privilege of working at Ryerson Camp each summer. It might be helpful to mention that Hamilton often goes by the nickname "The Hammer."

"Cool news. I hope that the Mc at the beginning of your last name might lead to some level of M.C. Hammer allusions as you make this transition!

2 Legit 2 Quit!"

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Big Changes

Hey Everyone,
As I alluded to last week, although the blogging has been rather quiet for me, there has been a lot going on in the back ground. I thought the best way to share would be to give a link to a letter that I wrote as an update to some of our church's prayer partners. Some of you may have already read it, but for those of you who haven't read it yet, I would love to share with you as well. Please visit the link below and see the PDF:
Big Changes Link

Monday, October 18, 2010

Nothing to Say

Ok, so many people have made subtle and not so subtle comments about how long it has been since my last post. The honest truth is that I have just not had much to say. I have been thinking about it and I have not wanted to write something just for the sake of writing. It has also been really crazy this fall and being insanely busy has not left a lot of time to think and reflect in order to write something the least bit meaningful. There have been some big things going on in life, however, and so there might be something to share soon, so check back again next week.