It has reminded me about two important lessons for this year. The first is about contentment. I know that if I am dreading the snow, that when it comes is a great chance that I will be miserable...a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Aside from moving, there is little I can do about the weather, so instead of fretting and complaining I should be looking for the positives and looking to be content in all situations (Philippians 4:11). I actually love sledding too, and show shoeing and a number of other snow related activities. I just have to remember to take time to consider the positives and not let the negatives spiral out of control in my mind. And when I focus on the positives I may come to a place where I am more than just content or bearing the circumstances I might actually be able to thrive!
Secondly, as Christmas approaches and the advertisements ramp up telling me all the things that I need to be happy and to make life worth living, it has been a refreshing reminder to celebrate simplicity and to be appreciative of all that I do have. I want to celebrate the change of season for the remarkable wonder that it is and not take it for granted or even resent it. I want to see the gifts that God has placed all around me. I will also be celebrating my family who are all around me, healthy and happy. We will be sledding together and I will be appreciating all that I have been given. There are few gifts that I could ever get that will compare with these things.
So, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...I am ready to hit the hills.
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