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What I Want for Christmas
I have been thinking about sacrificial giving a lot lately mostly from my own discipleship and reading and confirmed by events around me. The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and give his life as a ransom to many (Matthew 20:28), so the life of someone claiming to follow Him must also reflect this. As I have been thinking about giving I have had a couple of organizations come to my heart that I would love to be giving more financially to support. Realistically, however, after regular giving and tithing (non-negotiable for us) and then everyday needs there isn't much left over. All this means that if I still want to give financially to these organizations I will need to be this is what I have come up with.
Even though I don't have a lot of extra to give, I know that Christmas is coming up. I know that there will be some people thinking about what to get me. So, I have decided that
what I am asking for for Christmas is that a donation be given to two organizations that mean a lot to me. Now I hesitated to even post this blog because I don't want it to seem like I am showing off or making this about me. Really though, anyone reading this blog is probably family (hey mom, hey dad) or friends, so what a better way to let everyone know :)
This year I am asking people to consider either giving to the research of Liam's neurosurgeon Dr. Singh at McMaster Children's Hospital, to the Brain Tumour Foundation or both! They both have been amazing to us over this past year and they continue to do amazing work to support those with brain tumours and help find a cure.
Donations for Dr. Singh can be made to the following:
Support for Dr. Sheila Singh
Fund # 1237
Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation
40 Wellington St. N.
Hamilton, ON
L8N 3M8
or go online to:
Hamilton Health Science Foundation Information about supporting the Brain Tumour Foundation can be found at their web site:
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