Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Worship with Creation

It is that time of year again, when the air here in Ontario gets a little cooler and a little crisper. The leaves are beginning to change colour, and soon the horizon will be a veritable canvas of colours painted by the expert hand of our Creator. I love this time of year and I can't wait to get out into God's creation, to explore, to stand in awe of what is around me and to be led to worship. Of course, God's creation is all around us all the time, all four seasons of the year. I am hoping to use my excitement about fall to be a catalyst to start appreciating all that God has done around me all year long. With this in mind I started a new opportunity at church called Worship with Creation. The whole premise is to take one day a month, each month, to plan an outing into creation. My goal is to pick somewhere fairly local, and free (inspired by our Thirty Days of Almost Nothing experiment) and lead a group from church out into nature to experience some of the amazing things that God has for us right in our own back yard. As we experience God's creation up close, my prayer is that we would learn something more about its creator and to have a response of worship well up in our hearts.
We started last month with a visit to Grindstone Falls in Waterdown. We stood atop the falls, experiencing the mighty sound of the rushing waters while reading from Revelation 1:15 ... “and His (Jesus) voice was like the sound of rushing waters.” We then followed the creek down stream and witnessed both its beauty and its power as we traced its path carved through rock and wood. We were reminded of the beauty and the power of the resurrected Jesus.
Our next adventure will be to venture into some of the forested area atop the escarpment to experience the leaves changing colour to vibrant reds, oranges, golds and browns. I am excited to see how God may use this to teach us, inspires us, refresh us and nurture our souls.
Behind all of our adventures lies the thoughts articulated by Paul in Romans 1:20 "For since the creation of the world God's invisible quali
ties - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." When we take a close look at all that God has made we may experience and come to understand something about God's character, God's power and God's nature. Whenever God chooses to reveal something about Himself to us then there is an opportunity to respond - and that response is worship.
So how about were you live? What are some areas that you could get out and explore?

1 comment:

  1. Just moved to collingwood where you can explore the scenic caves. As well the georgian trail is here as well. You can see blue mountain display the colours of fall. The rain has been getting me down lately so instead of sitting in the house complaining about it I went for a walk in the rain. It was beautiful! It was nice to come home have a hot shower and enjoy the rest of my evening! Sometimes instead of complaning about the rain we need to go out and enjoy it. There is nothing wrong with getting a little wet! Just like we were kids and wouldn't come in from outside! Enjoy the rain!
