This weekend marks the end of daylight savings in my neck of the woods. I like the fall because the clocks go back an hour... I love sleep. Another bonus is that sometimes people forget to change their clocks which means that t

This clock change got me thinking about time. Our whole existence seems tied to and even controlled by time. At the end of the day, however, the way that we experience time is really rather synthetic. With the addition of electricity and lights and now things like daylight savings etc. I realize we can really manipulate time, more often than not for reasons of commerce. We often talk about time as if we were subject to it without any say at all wishing we had more hours in a day to do this and that. The reality, however, is that aside from the sunrise and the sun set, we are really in control of the rest. The question that I have been pondering is how my schedule reflects my spiritual life.
This is my thought this week...if I am totally surrendered to the Lord who has complete authority and control of my life, does my calendar reflect this? Do I fill in my day timer and then try to fit in the spiritual things around everything else or do I give all that I am to God and ask that he would direct how I spend my time? Who is really in control of my life? Is it me, my employer, my family or my Lord? Of course, this may lead to many other aspects of my relationship with God such as trust. Do I really trust enough to give over control? Do I really trust God as provider should there be a decision between what God asks of me and what my employer expects? Do I trust that Jesus is the source of true abundant life when I decide that my child will not engage in every possible activity and opportunity? And there are many other questions that will come up I imagine.
I guess it really comes down to a question of authority. I am reminded of a passage in Daniel regarding one who "looked like a son of man," that I think lies behind Jesus' use of the title Son of Man. I think that Jesus was saying that what we read below applies to him:
"In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed."
Daniel 7:13-14
If Jesus has authority over all aspects of my life, does how I spend my time reflect this?
Daniel 7:13-14