I was visiting my parents cottage last weekend for a spring inspection before we open it for the summer season. While we were there we decided to also check and see how my grandparents cottage had fared though a long snowy winter. Well, we discovered that an oil tank at my grandparents had developed a small leak. We scrambled to try to find a temporary solution at which point a neighbour suggested that we try to put a self tapping screw into the hole and see if it plugs it up. To be quite specific, he suggested a “Robertson” self tapping screw. While my dad searched for keys to open sheds to find keys to other sheds to find containers of bolts and screws in which to search for a “Robertson” screw, I was laughing about how when Disaster Relief teams go from our church to New Orleans the Americans never quite know what to make of our “Robertson” screws. Our neighbour laughed and shared a story of how he was once sent to Russia to work on a large industrial installation. While they were there, some of their supplies were stolen, including large containers of “Robertson” screws. He told his crew that they better not loose, or leave behind any screwdrivers because thieves may have stolen the screws, but the last laugh would be on them...they wouldn’t have any “Robertson” bits to use them! “Robertson” screws and screwdrivers, which use a square hole and bit, are a Canadian invention, developed right here in my home town of Milton. It is not an odd expression of patriotism that leads us to use these screws, or just a sense of hometown pride that would have us carry them with us around the world. We use them, because they are the best. They don’t slip, thy self centre and are faster. They really are better than anything else out there. In some ways I see my choice to live for the kingdom of God in a similar fashion. Although there are many different ideas, world views, messages and lifestyles out there I truly believe that to choose Christ is to choose what is best. It may not always be easiest, I may not always get it right, and it may not always be the most convenient but it is what’s best. We live in a fallen, imperfect world. When sin entered the world, it affected humanity and human nature as well as all of creation. The world, at present, is not what it is meant to be and to accept what the world has to offer really is to settle for less. At best the world has to offer mere shadows of what is best, at worst it offers a tainted and evil reality. In Jesus, however, I see one who loves us enough to have suffered the cross, proving that he really does love us and has our best interest at heart. In Jesus we also have the creator of the universe who knows his creation, which includes each of us, intimately. When our designer and creator demonstrates his love in such a profound way, I trust that he both knows and will lead us to what is best. His resurrection also demonstrates to me that he is victorious over sin and evil and serves as a clear promise that one day we too may experience such a resurrection and enjoy everlasting life in the New Heaven and Earth that will be established after Jesus’ return. It will be a world with no more pain, suffering, death or decay in which we might live in the love and light of our Lord forever. That truly is a picture of what is best. And by the way, we stopped the leak!
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