As spring arrives and the bulbs begin to bloom, and the buds begin to blossom and the days begin to get longer and warmer, a strange phenomenon can be witnessed in our small but growing Canadian town. Doors begin to crack open and children’s faces begin to peak. Garage doors begin to lift and bicycles, scooters, motorcycles and convertibles break forth and finally life begins to emerge. The long winter hibernation is over and the parks, streets and front lawns, that seemed like desolate ghost towns just days before are rife with life and activity. As I watch everyone who had spent the winter hidden away within the depths of their family dwellings, begin to emerge, come to life, come into the light of the spring sun and enjoy the rebirth that is spring, I could not help but think of Ephesians 5:14. In this verse Paul quotes these words: “Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” I pray that as we emerge from the Canadian hibernation and come into the warmth of the sunlight, that a similar event might take place in our spiritual lives as well. I pray that people would be encouraged to wake up from their darkness and experience the transformation that only the risen Christ can bring.