Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I remember playing the game of memory when I was a kid. The game consisted of a number of picture tiles, two of each, that were mixed up and then placed in a grid upside down. Each turn, a player is allowed to turn over two tiles revealing the picture, with the intent to find two matching tiles. As the game progresses each player watches intently, trying to learn where each tile is placed, memorizing the position of the matches so that they may be found on the next turn. As I sit here in the hospital with my son who is recovering from one surgery and preparing for another, I have been reminded about how important scripture is. It has helped us to celebrate the good moments, to trust in the harder moments and given much comfort in the painful moments. The thing about life is that it often happens unexpectedly, without much notification and without a lot of opportunity for preparation. I think that is why it is so important to be in God’s word regularly. As we spend time reading, learning and studying scripture we become familiar with it. Like in the game of memory, we begin to recall where things are found, and when life situation arise we can find applicable passages. In all honesty, however, nothing can replace memorizing scripture. We may not always have access to a written copy of the Word, and life usually doesn’t stop while we try to find one. Memorized scripture, however, will always be with us and it is amazing how it comes back when needed. I am the first to admit that I am not the best at memorizing scripture and have not invested as much time in this discipline as others. My children, who have joined a bible quizzing team and have been memorizing huge chunks of scripture, have been an example and a challenge to me of late. If they can learn so much, surely I can do some myself. At the end of the day, we cannot retrieve what is not there and so the more we learn and study and know the more we have to rely on when a time comes where we really need it.

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