But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, "This man welcomes sinners and eats with them."
Luke 15:2
Luke 15:2
Apparently, the origin of the Frisbee traces back to college students tossing empty pie tins from the Frisbee Baking Company. This only goes to prove my theory that all good things involve food. I am only partly kidding. Look at Jesus’ miracles – wine at a wedding banquet, feeding 5000, a miraculous catch of fish. And then there is the Lord’s Supper (communion) instituted to commemorate His sacrificial death. These examples are just the beginning of the many times that Jesus and food mix in the gospels. So what’s with all the food? Did Jesus just like to eat? Perhaps, but I think it goes beyond just eating. Where there is food there are people eating food, and people matter to Jesus.
I had a professor who once reminded me that there are only two things that last (eternally) – God and people. It is a reminder to consider where it is that we are investing our time and energy. If we, the church, are to make an eternal difference we must be about people. We don’t find people for programs, but programs for people. We should not be about rituals but relationships. We should not be about pyrotechnics or PowerPoint but people. Let us never lose our focus.
I had a professor who once reminded me that there are only two things that last (eternally) – God and people. It is a reminder to consider where it is that we are investing our time and energy. If we, the church, are to make an eternal difference we must be about people. We don’t find people for programs, but programs for people. We should not be about rituals but relationships. We should not be about pyrotechnics or PowerPoint but people. Let us never lose our focus.
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